My First Blog
Well, here goes. From what I gather about these 'blog' things, I'm supposed to use this space to witter on about the inconsequential mundanities of my life, so that those who trawl the lesser-travelled undercurrents of the internet may one day chance upon them, and waste valuable seconds of their lives scanning through for some elusive, and in fact non-existent, nugget of interest. Well so be it.
I'm James, by the way. Pleased to meet you.
So what have I been up to today, I hear you ask (I have exceptionally good hearing.) Well, struggled out of bed at 6am and began the tortuous ninety minute commute to work. (I work in the salubrious environs of Trafalgar Square; I unfortunately live in a run-down rural ghetto south of Croydon.) That's not very interesting, is it? Well, frankly I'm not paid to be interesting. Bear with me.
On the way got a few chapters further into my book, which is Choke, by Chuck Palahniuk:
As you may know, by the same author as Fight Club. I shan't bore you with a thorough review, but if I had the journalistic clout to get a quote on the cover, it would go something like this:
"Pretty much the same as his last one, but quite good nevertheless."
Clearly one of the reasons I don't have any journalistic clout is my bland and uninspired turn of phrase.
So give or take a couple of tedious work-related tasks, that has been pretty much my day so far (oh, I had some cornflakes for breakfast. Did I mention that?) But you know, something exciting and interesting is sure to happen before long. I can't wait to tell you about it...
Not just witter on about the inconsequential mundanities of life, but also post photos of your dog and your girlfriend.
Unless they're one and the same.
Which in your case, they're not.
I'm going now.
As Phil consistently refuses to post pictures of Lisa on his blog, he's afine one to talk.
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